If you are fed up with lying awake at 3am wondering whether this is it for your career, spending your commutes endlessly scrolling job boards, or if you just want to feel a bit, well, happier, at work, then let's have a chat.
Who are my career coaching programmes for?
They are for anyone feeling lost, trapped or stuck in their careers. This is for you if you ready to:
Get rid of the Sunday night blues and Monday morning panics
Get clear on who you are at work, and what makes you tick
Let go of the ideas that have kept you trapped in your career and start thinking about your priorities are professionally
Take action and start building the career that's right for you
Start loving your career again.
"I’ve been working with Vicki for some time now, and let me say it has been beyond a blessing having her in my corner.She always seems to know exactly the right questions to ask, and does it so naturally, it’s easy to forget you’re even working with a coach to begin with. Above all, and perhaps most importantly, she feels like someone you can relate to and someone who wants to see you succeed in a way that is best for you, rather than someone who treats you like another client to go through a check list with or up-sell another program to. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for someone to help them with whatever life goals or transitions they are hoping to make."

Working together for 3 months we will:
Identify your key values, strengths and motivators, so that you know what you want from your career
Explore what's important to you, not just professionally, but personally too, so that you can build a version of success that's right for you.
Work through the mindset gremlins and beliefs that have been holding you back so far.
Experiment with new career ideas that seem interesting, and assess how they fit with you and your career priorities
Put in place a framework to allow you to carry on exploring, testing and evaluating new opportunities that arise after our time together.
"Thanks for tonight. Very valuable. Gave me lots to think about."
What you'll get:
3 months tailored 1:1 support - my coaching experience focused on you and your career, to help get you where you want to be
45 mins -1 hour of 1:1 coaching every 2 weeks, via Skype / Zoom
DiSC Psychometric test to analyse how, when and where you do your best work.
Additional exercises and resources between our sessions to keep you thinking and taking action
Unlimited text / email support in between sessions - imagine me as the cheerleader in your pocket when you need a boost, a sounding board or a (friendly) kick up the bum. I’ll always respond within one working day (Monday - Friday).
6 monthly reminder emails following our last session, with a simple and quick review tool so you can make sure you are still moving in the direction you want to go after our work together.
The investment : £549 (payment plans available)
Interested? Book a free 45 minute call with me below, or check out my FAQ